mold removal
Mold is a microscopic organism that occurs naturally and can be found virtually anywhere in the world.

Mold is not a member of the flora or fauna. Mold is a fungus, a type of organism that shares characteristics of both kingdoms.

The study of fungi is called mycology, a branch of study of botany. However, fungi are considered closer to the animal kingdom to the vegetable kingdom.

On the one hand, fungi have a metabolism through which derive their energy from organic material in which they live and therefore do not depend on photosynthesis like plants. On the other hand, their reproductive cycle includes the formation and proliferation of spores, a process similar to that follow flowering plants to reproduce.

The mold has a rapid life cycle and simple.

When a spore is deposited on a surface where growing conditions are favorable, it will germinate and produce a colony of hyphae, the multitude of filaments that we recognize as rust. Once mature hyphae, some of them in their extreme form new spores. From there, the spores are released into the air, to eventually settle and grow in a different place where conditions are favorable. And the cycle continues.
Mold spores are designed to spread as far as possible. Your weight, shape and specific dimensions will remain suspended in the air with a deposition rate of 20 cm per hour. This means that airborne spores very still "fall" not more than 20 cm in an hour. Under ordinary conditions in which there is some movement in the air, the spores can remain suspended indefinitely.

Household mold old requires moisture, nutrition and heat to establish a colony. Although different species prefer different conditions, in general the ideal parameters are:

Humidity: 75% RH to 85% RH (moisture balance at the surface)
Nutrition: Organic matter such as wood, wallpaper or dust
Temperature: 20 ° C to 30 ° C

When external conditions are far from the ideal parameters, decreases mold activity, eventually reaching a form of hibernation that allows you to stay alive by using as little energy as possible. Some household molds can remain in this state for decades, and begin their growth at the moment the situation changes and the conditions again become favorable.

mould removal
Can be as efficient as that body to sustain life for long periods of time, when rates of temperature and humidity rise, mold can grow at an impressive pace, doubling its mass within 10 hours.

In a building with moisture, visible mold growth often occurs within the first 10 days.

Invariably, mold thrives near a moisture source. In buildings, mold will form around gutters, insulated windows and doors, and generally in areas with either poor ventilation and / or inadequate insulation.

Unlike other types of fungi that grow in that deteriorating buildings and building materials, or at least not at a significant rate, mold pose a risk to the climate inside the building to be able to damage the insulation materials and even structure.